Agnivesha: Who wrote most popular Samhita of Ayurveda
The Agnivesha was the disciple of Guru Atreya as apparent in the Caraka samhita. Thus, Agnivesha and Atreya must be at the same time of history. He has been mentioned as the most talented disciple of Guru Atreya and wrote Agnivesha tantra (knowledge book of Ayurveda). As per Caraka samhita itself is wriiten by Agnivesha and completed by Caraka and later by Drudbala.
1. Panini (Rishi/ sage) mentioned about Takshila and Agnivesha in his text where the time period of Panini is 700 BC. Thus Agnivesha should be prior to the Panini.
2. The Charaka samhita mentions the days in form of tithi (ekadashi, dwadashi, trayodashi etc.) and not by the name of the days (monday/ somvaar and ravivaar/ sunday etc.). This format is 3000 years old in that time only people uses this kind of pattern i.e. 1000 BC suggested by Sankar lal krishna dixit in his book Bhartiya jyitisa sastra ka itihas.
3. As Agnivesha mentions Chikits chatuspada (four limbs of treatment) which is methodolgy of Vedas like Chatuspada gayatri. So Agnivesha samhita is from Upanishada kala or Veda kala.
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