The basic of Shadachakras in Ayurveda

                                Shadachakras (Shada means six and chakra means wheels), but here the proper meaning of chakra is the center in the form of spherical 3D shape which are present in the form of lotus flower with multiple petals. These petals starts to open with the help Kundalini yoga further to circulate or channalise the energy to get the spiritual wellbeing. This concepts of Shadachakra basically originated from Vedas (oldest scripture to the mankid) or Rig veda, these are six to seven in Hindusim (religious belief of hindu or many Indians); whereas it is five as per Buddhism (those who follows the Buddha). 

It is practically adopted with practice of Kundalini yoga, the techniques of breathing exercise, mudras, bandhas, kriyas and mantras. These will help to focus on manupulating the flow of subtle energy through the chakras. 

In Ayurvedic pscycology the human body made up of sukshma shareera (subtle body) & sthula shareera physical body). Sthula shareera is body which appeared from the outside whereas sukshma shareera is the pscycological, emotional, non physical and mind; which is not visualised by the naked eyes. So, the subtle body is energy, while the physical body is mass. These two are interlinked and due to that they produced thier effects on each other. This subtle body consist of nadi (hollow pipe like channels; there are several nadis in body which carries so many different things, whereas here in this context it carries the energy) which are connected with vertex of psychic energy called as chakra. Some of scholars mentioned near by 88,000 chakras are present in the human body. 


5. Vishudha
6. Agya/ Ajna

These saptachakras (sapta means seven in sanskrit) are lied in the straight line parallel to the spine which satrts from base of spine and ends in the vertex of the head. As per Tantric and Ayurveda the Kundalini or the flow of energy starts after opening of the Muladhara chakra (the first chakra present bellow the anal region ir at he base of spine) which finally leads to Ajna/ Agya chakra (present in between the eyebrows). From Muladhara to Agya chakra there are six chakra, but the seventh one is Saharsadala (1000 petals lotus flower shape) is present in the vertex of head; which is admantine to open or difficult to channelise the energy through it. Which is very rare to energize, so commonaly there are Shadachakra in Ayurveda and general texts. 

As per Tantric science the energy which is mentioned here is the Shukra (the seventh dhatu of the human body refers to the semen) which starts to move in upward direction. Because the normal direction of shukra is downward flow (anuloma gati), but with th ehelp of yogic and other kriyas it will channelised in upward direction. The movement of the shukra starts opening the chakras which finally leads to the awakening spirutally. Each chakra is related to one devata/ deity along with a yogini/ devi, which are the connected to that chakra, all chakra have there particular colour, particular size with numbers of petals. They also connected with particular beeja mantra ( rhym which initiate that particular chakra). 

For intiating any particular chakra the devotee should take consideration of these things to get the benefits of the chakra. There are many rituals to perform the kriyas (to initiate the chakra) which specially called as Kundalini yoga. Which is specially for awakening of these chakra in Tantric and Yogic science.  


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