Ayurveda & Panchakarma

                               Panchakrma is very pouplar term among the people who are seeking the Ayurvedic treatment or willing for holistic health. But moreover they really don't know the real understanding of that. As the word Panchakrma is an sanskrit term; where every word has its particular meaning and made up from a proper unions of word to give a true meaning. 

So the word Panchakrma comprises of two word i.e. Pancha + Karma. The Pancha refers to the numerical 5 and Karma refers to the action. Her the Pancha denotes the five division, class and types etc. but the Karma means the action or procedure done to the person to make him/her healthy. Panchakrma so wide in all the dimensions like treatment, area of action, therapeutic action, nature and mode of action etc. but constricted only into 5 types based on there qualities (gunas) and their route. 

1. Vamana karma: In this the person is admistered with a high amount of food article or medicament which finally leads to induced emesis. It is very different from the disease Vomiting, because it is an induced process and planned process with the help of medicines. Which finally removes the morbid Kapha dosha (there are 3 dosha in Ayurveda i.e. Vata, Pitta and kapha) from the body. It is administered through the oral route and the morbid doshas also comes out from the oral route.

2. Virechana karma: In this process person is administered with medicines to induce diarrhea, which is totally under the obersvation of the physician ofr Panchakarma expert. It removes the morbid Pitta dosha from the body. Its administering route is oral but the dosha ellimating route is anal.

3. Niruha Basti karma: In this process a Basti is prepared with the helps of multiple types of powders, decoctions and other medicines in the form of liquid. Which is administered through the anal route like enema. which eliminates the vitiated Vata dosha from the body. Its speciality is that its main constituent is the decoction of the drug which is administerd through the anal route and which elliminates the dosha from the anal route again.

4. Anuvasana Basti karma: In this process a proper amount of fat/ sneha is administered through the anal route which finally eliminates the morbid Vata dosha from the body. Its specificity is that it is mainly constituted with fat that could be plant or animal origin. 

5. Nasya karma: In this process the medicines is administered through the nasal route basically to treat the disease present above the clavicle region in the body. It is adminsterec through the nasal route and the morbid dosha (among 3 dosha i.e. Vata, Pitta & Kapha) eliminated out from the nasal or oral routes.

So Panchakrma is a very wide subject of Ayuveda which is the main treatment prtocol as per the Ayurvedic scholars. It has very wide range of action along with its infinite possibilities to cure any kind of disease. 


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