Pitta dosha and Ayurveda


                     Pitta dosha is one among the three humors (Tridosha) of the physical body (sthula shareera). There vitiation and disturbance causes the diseases inside the body and there equlibrium is the reason for a healthy balanced life. 

Pitta dosha

Pitta is the word explained with an Sanskrit term " तप संतापे " here the word 'tapa' means the heat or raise of temparature and 'santape' means the discomfort because of heat or fever like condition. So Pitta is the matter which possess the heat quality. There are so many other qualities acquired by the Pitta like sneha/oily, ushna/ hot, tikshna/ power to penetrate, drava/ liquid, sara/property to flow and laghu/ light.  All the Acharyas (educators) of Ayurveda assumes five types of Pitta dosha.

Types of Pitta dosha

1. Pachaka Pitta
2. Ranjaka Pitta
3. Sadhaka Pitta
4. Alochaka Pitta
5. Bhrajaka PItta

These five sub types of Pitta dosha combined to formed the whole Pitta dosha. There basic characterstics are same but because of there action and their area of placement they are named differentaly. As mentioned earlier that vitiation of any of the dosha will leads to the disease, so vitiation in any of the types either by increase or decrease, by any of the aetiology will cause ailment. And in the same ways if they all are present in equilibrium or harmony then the person leads a peacefull and healthy life.
So as per the "Astanga Hrudya" ( one of the famous literature of Ayurveda written by Vagabhata):

Pachaka Pitta 

As of the name suggests, it helps in the Pachana karma (Pachana is an Hindi term meant for the digestion, and karma stands for process). It present in the middle of 'Pakwashaya' (intestine preferabally small intestine) and 'Amashaya' (stomach), as per the location mentioned here is moreover known as "duodenum" in modern science or "Grahani" in Ayurveda. It carries the function of digestion of food and separated the Sara (productive product after the digestion which further helps in the formation of other tissues or Dhatu) and Kitta (waste product which is understand with feaces and urine). 
It is the main Pitta dosha which provides the bala (power) to the other four Pitta present inside the body.

Ranjaka Pitta

It is the Pitta present in the 'Amashaya' (stomach is the term to understand with this word but it is not like that, it should be understand with the abdominal region), whereas many of the scholar described its place as "yakrut" i.e. liver. Its function is to convert the Rasa dhatu into Rakta dhatu (conversion of blood plasma to other tissues of blood). 

Sadhaka Pitta

It is present in the 'Hrudya' i.e. Heart or sometimes refered to the Brain. Its functions is to use knowledge, intellegence and self conciousness to get the desired effect out of them. As per the word's meaning it helps in the 'Sadhana' which means in to get a desired product.

Alochaka Pitta

It is present in the 'eyes' of the human body and carries the function to see. As the word stands for 'Alochana' that means to review any subject which is mostly possible after looking into it.

Bhrajaka Pitta

It is present under the 'skin' and carries the normal functioning of the skin tissue. Also as per Ayurveda, anything comes in conatct with the skin is first go through the Bhrajaka Pitta and then converted for an easy assimilation. By its functioning it provides the luster to the skin.  
These all Pitta mainly denotes the energy or heat, which is used in the convesion of any product inside the physiological body. It is also stated as Agni (digestive or main fire) by one of the commentator i.e. Dalhana (the commentator of Susruta Samhita). 


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