Future of Ayurveda


                                        Ayurveda is Shasvata (endless), it never get out of the world. It is not the science which could be outdated because of its nature. As from Charaka samhita (reknowned literature regarding Ayurveda) its origin is from the mouth of Brahma (God of creation of life), which passes to other Deities than to other Rishi (enlighntened person) through which it finally comes to the bhu loka (earth). Even that lord Brahma teaches the concept of Ayuveda through words only and other got the same information in that form of words only i.e. guru shishya parampara (teacher student manner). 

Hence it is not the science which needs experiments, investigations and examination to prove its worth. This is the science which is blend to human race in all the dimensions possible. Ayurveda is not a science to treat the disease or to cure to ailment it the science of life. It teaches a human how to behave or live in a lifetime. It helps to understand one's purpose of life. 

To understand this we can look at few points which will be beneficial to understand its rationality.

  •   It is science which is related with all the other vedic science like while treating any disease acharyas (great scholars of Ayurveda) told to take care of time, nakshatra (position of planets and stars) and muhurata (auspicious time) etc. which shows the direct relation with Astrology.
  • We can use an other example of its connection with Gemmology (science of gems), where its menttioned the use of particular gem stone for particular state of disease.
  • It will tells the do & dont's in all aspects of life which finally leads to the value of life could be happy or sad life (sukha ayu, dukha ayu, hita ayu & ahita ayu concept) which finally denotes the disease.
  • It gives the knowledge about all stage of life fron prior birth of a human to after death of that being from movement of soul, explain the concept of Atma.
  • It commands over the causative factors/ reasons of disease which in today's world is still unkown, like epidemics and pandemics etc.
  • If we talk about the medicaments then it tells that everything in this world could be medicine. But one should know how to use it, from air to water from plants to animals.
  • In all situation of life from what to eat to why to eat, when to eat to how to eat its already mentioned very broadly in Ayurveda by the concept of Agni.
  • When we talk about the latest reasearch of the science like we are unable to find the treatment of cancer, AIDS and other fatal disease, here in Ayurveda scriptures its mentioned earlier from the ages.  
But the things is before doing anything we have to understand the fundaments of Ayurveda, which are not that easy for everyone. The list is endless to explain the reality of Ayurveda and it has no present, past or future it is something which comes to mankind which is same as kala (time) which has no sarting or end or like enery which can neither be created or destroyed. It is not the science of medicine but it the science of life.


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