Ayurveda and Shiva: The Great God (Mahadeva)

             Shiva is the most celebrated God in Hindusinm and is called as "Mahadeva" as he is the 'God of all other Gods' or 'The great God'. This Sanskrit term 'Shiva' means 'The auspicious one' and also 'which is not'. He comes under the "Trimurti" or "Trideva" both meant fot 'The three Gods' or ' God's Trinity' which includes the 'Brahma' i.e. 'The creator' of the Universe/ cosmos, 'Vishnu' i.e. 'The preserver' of the Universe/cosmos and Siva as "The destroyer". 


In Hiduism it very popular and most loveable God best known for its gentle sight which helps the devotee to connect him in the easiest way possible. At the same time he is mentioned as "Bhola" beacuse of his simple heart. Shiva is married to the "Parvati" the supreme power of the Universe sometimes also called as 'Shakti'. Shiva is 'Ajanma' which doest not have any birth date, and he got originated from this cosmos in form of fire, so he called as "Shasvata" (which never comes to an end) which makes him so simillar to Ayurveda. His symbol is denoted with a "Lingam" or Shiva lingam which is founded everywhere in whole the globe. 

Shiva and Ayurveda

In Ayurveda world Shiva is correlated with the "First God as Physician' and the verse quoted for this as "प्रथमो देवः भिषक् ।". Shiva is former for many more Sciences like Vyakarana (grammer), Sangeeta (music) and Nrutya (dance forms) etc. As Ayurveda is comes out from the mukha of the lord Brahma (mouth of lord Brahma) but it is followed and practiced first by the Shiva. 

 Shiva and origin of Diseases

As per the Ayurveda especially the 'Charaka Samhita'(the most followed compendium over Ayurveda) and in 'Shiva Purana'(the Sanskrit text of Shaivism literature corpus) the origin of diseases is through the Shiva himself. 
As per a story once the 'Daksha- Prajapati' i.e. the creator of the human forms and the father of "Sati" (the wife of Shiva) once announces and performed a 'Yagna' (auspicious ritual to be performed by people to offer their belongings to God). In that ritual all the Gods, sages, saints and dieties got invited except the Shiva. When Sati comes to know about that Yagna celebration is going on at his father's place, she got excited and wish to reach there with the permission of Shiva. When she reached at the place she got devastated with the behaviour of her father Daksha. She got angry and dissapointed on the rude behaviour and harsh words of her father toward them especially regarding the Shiva. So she jumped in the fire of the Yagna and destroyed herself to the ashes. When Shiva came to know about the incidents, he got so angry that he snatched his dreadlocks and created the "Veerabhadra" and ordered him to destroy the Yagna of the Daksha. In no time 'Veerabadra' went to the Yagna place and starts killing the sages and dieties present in the Yagna. Because of that first the "Jwara" got formed especially from his hot exhale of air which known as 'Fever' now a days. After ward all the other diseases got created itself through the Veerabhadra. 
So, lord Shiva is the 'Creator of diseases' as well as 'First God physician' after treating the Daksha which is beheaded by Veerabhadra. Beacuse Veerabhadra was orderd to kill the Daksha and everybody whoever came in front of him. He was so angry that when he came near to the Daksha he beaheaded him furiously. 
This is the popular story accepted by many of the sages or saints as well as the scholar of Ayurveda. 


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