Kapha dosha and Ayurveda

                 Kapha dosha is one among the three humors (Tridosha) of the physical body (sthula shareera). There vitiation and disturbance causes the diseases inside the body and there equlibrium is the reason for a healthy balanced life. 

Kapha dosha

Kapha is the word explained with an Sanskrit term "श्लिष आलिङ्गने" here the word 'shlisha' means mucus like structure and 'alinganey' means to involved or merge with. So Kapha is the matter which possess the quality to merge or to hold.In simpler word the substance which carries the power to get attached with something. It has so amny other qualities acquired by the Kapha like snigdha/unctous, sheeta/ cold, guru/ heavy, manda/ slow, slakshana/ slimmy, and  sthira/ firm qualities which are moreover opposite to the qualities of Vata dosha.

Types of Kapha dosha

1. Avalambaka Kapha
2. Kledaka Kapha
3. Bodhaka Kapha
4. Tarpaka Kapha
5. Sleshaka Kapha
These five sub types of Kapha dosha combined to formed the whole Kapha dosha. There basic characterstics are same but because of there action and their area of placement they are named differentaly. As mentioned  in Ayurveda  that vitiation of any of the dosha (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) will leads to the disease, so vitiation in any of the types either by increase or decrease, by any of the aetiology will cause ailment. And in the same ways if they all are present in equilibrium or harmony then the person leads a peacefull and healthy life.
So as per the "Astanga Hrudya" ( one of the famous literature of Ayurveda written by Vagabhata):

Avalambaka Kapha

The term 'Avalambana' means which gives the slimmy or moist effect to a particular area. As this Kapha resides in the 'Uras' (thoracic region or chest region), 'Trika' (area where junction of three elements i.e. neck region as per this context) and 'Hrudya' (cardiac region). Its functions is to provide the lubrications to the organs present in the thoracic cavity. Which is the basic recquirement for there functioning. Without that lubrication they are unable to do the constant movement, because of dryness it further leads to friction between the muscles and finally causes the tissues damage. 
It is correlated to the Viseral fluid, pericardial and other fluids present in the thoracic cavity in Modern science.

Kledaka Kapha

It is the Kapha present in the 'Amashaya' (stomach is the term to understand with this word but it is not like that, it should be understand with the abdominal region). Its functions is to moist and increase the 'Kleda' quality of the food. It gives the moistness and helps in easy breaking of big food molecules to the smaller one. In Modern science it is correlated with the Gastric mucous and juices which plays part in lubriaction and food digestion.

Bodhaka Kapha

It is the Kapha presents in the 'Jihwa' i.e. toungue. It helps in the functioning to percieve the taste of any food article. Any kind of taste that a person feels is only felt with the help of Bodhaka Kapha. In Ayurveda these taste are considered as 'Shadarasa' i.e. Madhura, Amla, Lavana, Katu, Tikta and Kashaya. It is correlated with the Mucous and Salivary glands secretions in Modern science.

Tarpaka Kapha

This is the Kapha present in the 'Shiras' i.e. the head region. Its functions is to provide the lubrictaion for the better functioning of the 'Indriya' i.e. the sense organs. In Ayurveda the sensory organs are present in the head region like eyes, nose, tongue, ears and skin. But here this Kapha basically deals with the sensory organs which are demarcated with each other with the help of a particular lubriactions. It is correlated to the Cerebrospinal fluid of the brain.

Shleshaka Kapha

It is the Kapha present in all the joints (major and minors).  Its functions is the provide the lubrication to the junction. It is correlated with th synovial fluids of the joints in Modern science. Which avoids the friction between the two joints, at the time of motion. 
These kapha mainly denotes the mucus like structure present all over the body. Its combined function is to provide the cushion and the lubriacting effects to the whole body to prevent the friction and to avoid the tissue damage.


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