
Showing posts from February, 2022

Ayurveda and Shiva: The Great God (Mahadeva)

             Shiva is the most celebrated God in Hindusinm and is called as "Mahadeva" as he is the 'God of all other Gods' or 'The great God'. This Sanskrit term 'Shiva' means 'The auspicious one' and also 'which is not'. He comes under the "Trimurti" or "Trideva" both meant fot 'The three Gods' or ' God's Trinity' which includes the 'Brahma' i.e. 'The creator' of the Universe/ cosmos, 'Vishnu' i.e. 'The preserver' of the Universe/cosmos and Siva as "The destroyer".  Shiva In Hiduism it very popular and most loveable God best known for its gentle sight which helps the devotee to connect him in the easiest way possible. At the same time he is mentioned as "Bhola" beacuse of his simple heart. Shiva is married to the "Parvati" the supreme power of the Universe sometimes also called as 'Shakti'. Shiva is 'Ajanma' which does...

Charaka Samhita: The most referred book in Ayurveda

                 Charaka Samhita is the compendium which is written by sage  Charaka  himself. Moreover it is said as Charaka is the redactor or responder of 'Ag nivesha Tantra'. As per mine concept he is the compositor of 'Charaka Samhita' because it is very common in India to rewrite or reform a scripture/ book/ tantra/ samhita/ compendium in a new format/way with an inspiration of present scriptures. As both Samhita and Tantra should be written in a different ways.   Charaka Samhita "महर्षिणा पुनर्वसुनोपदिष्टा, तच्छिष्येणाग्निवेशेन प्रणीता, चरकदृढबलाभ्यां प्रतिसंस्कृता"  it is very popular for Charaka Samhita that means, 'Mahrishi  Punarvasu ' the guide, who told everything to his student i.e. ' Agnivesha ' i.e. the main composer and 'Charaka' & 'Drudbala' are the responser. The Charaka we got today was not fully composed by Charaka, whereas 1/3 was missing and which is completed b...

Shadarasa: Six tastes and Ayurveda

             Shadarasa is the word derived through the Sanskrit two words i.e. Shada means six and Rasa which means the taste. Taste is the feeling observed with the tongue, the only organ in the body to feel that sensation.  In Ayurveda there are so many compendiums (samhita) which are practiced till today, but among them all Charaka Samhita, which is written by sage  Charaka  himself mentioned about the Shadarasa in detail at "chapter 26" of "Sutra Sthana". There he provides a brief description regarding these to understand there qualities, because whole Ayurveda basically works as per the qualities of any substance.  These are: Madhura Amla Lavana Katu  Tikta Kashaya As they all are made up from the  Panchamahabhuta  as per the concept of   "व्यदेशेन भूयसा"  ( that means everything is made up from the five basic elements i.e. Akasha, Vayu, Agni, Jala and Pruthavi)  and have a marked ch...

Pitta dosha and Ayurveda

                                                Pitta dosha is one among the three humors  ( Tridosha ) of the physical body (sthula shareera). There vitiation and disturbance causes the diseases inside the body and there equlibrium is the reason for a healthy balanced life.  Pitta dosha Pitta is the word explained with an Sanskrit term " à¤¤à¤ª संतापे " here the word 'tapa' means the heat or raise of temparature and 'santape' means the discomfort because of heat or fever like condition. So Pitta is the matter which possess the heat quality. There are so many other qualities acquired by the Pitta like  sneha/oily, ushna/ hot, tikshna/ power to penetrate, drava/ liquid, sara/property to flow and laghu/ light.    All the Acharyas (educators) of Ayurveda assumes five types of Pitta dosha. Types of Pitta dosha 1. Pachaka P...

Vagabhata: The most followed Physician of Ayurveda

                           The very famous and highly followed Ayurveda treatise of "Astanga Samgraha" and "Astanga Hrudayam" are the work of Vagabhata 1 & vagabhata 2 respectively.  Multiple Vagabhata As it is already mentioned about the Vagabhata 1 and Vagabhata 2 along with that there are two more Vagabhata associated to Ayurveda viz Rasa Vagabhata and Madhya Vagabhata.  'Rasa Vagabhata' (13th century) is concerned with science of Rasa shastra ( Ayurvedic science deals with processing of mineral medicaments) as he is the author of thr book 'Rasa Ratna Samuccaya'. Another one is the 'Madya Vagabhata' which is mentioned in the commentary of Ratnaprabha (commentary over the Brahma sutra i.e. written by Adi Sankracharya about the understanding of Upnishadas).  Vagabhata 1 The 'Vruddha Vagabhata' is the author of Astanga Samgraha (the famous book in Ayurveda) also known as Vagabhata 1. He wa...

Charaka: Popular most Physician of Ayurveda

                                   Charaka or Caraka is the most familiar name associated with the Ayurveda. one of the stalwarts of Ayurveda, who has redacted the Agnivesha Tantra (the book written by Agnivesha ) and made it to the Samhita form; today known as Charaka Samhita.  History From the time of  Vedas  there is a community of sages, who are of 'Yayavara koti' (nomadic type) as  mentioned by Yajurveda. Charaka is one among them, by which he moves from one place to another practicing and propagating the Ayurveda system. In Krushna Yajurveda (there are two types of Yajuveda i.e. Krushna and shukla) he is mentioned as the disciple of Vaisampayana (who is the commentator of Krushna Yajurveda). Bhavapraksha (one of the famous book of Ayurveda) mentioned him as an incarnation of the king of serpents i.e." lord Sesha". One more reference also suggested him a...

Susruta: Father of Surgery

                       The famous father of surgery, Susruta is one of the greatest Ayurveda stalwarts known for unfathomable contributions in the propagation and learning of Ayurveda. The word meaning of Susruta is 'well versed' i.e. a person who is knowledgeable and competent.  History There is a belief that there have been two persons associated with the Susruta Samhita namely; 1. Vrudha Sushruta who is the son of the famous sage Vishwamitra and considered as the direct disciple  Kasiraja divodasa dhanwantari . And Dhanwantari is around 1000-1500 Bc, so being the disciple of him the Vruddha Susruta is from the the same time period i.e. 1000-1500 BC. As being written in Susruta Samhita itself that it is compiled by Susruta after the guidance of Lord Dhanwantari. In Ayurveda there are two types of houses which are based on there specialisation i.e. Atreya smpradaya (those who follows Atreya and basical...

Vata dosha and Ayurveda

                  Vata dosha is one among the three humors ( Tridosha ) of the physical body (sthula shareera). There vitiation and disturbance causes the diseases inside the body and there equlibrium is the reason for a healthy balanced life.                                                                                           Vata dosha Vata is the formed from the "Va" which in Sanskrit means a element which is having Gati (motion). So vata is the matter which possess the movement quality. There are so many other qualities acquired by the Vata like  ruksha/ dry, khara/ rough, sheeta/ cold, laghu/light, sukshma/ minute and chala/ mobile.   All the ...

Sapta dhatu and Ayurveda

                          As Ayurveda is the science from the times of Vedas (because as the sub part of the fourth Veda i.e.  Atharvaveda ). Its understanding is based on the philosophy of Sankhya ( Samkhya darshana ). In the theory of Sapta dhatu Ayurveda explains about the formation of the Physical body or Sthula shareera through them.                                                                                                     Sapta Dhatu As it is formed from the two Sanskrit words i.e. Sapta (seven) and Dhatu (which holds the body). It is very commonly used by Ayurveda scholar i.e. " धारणात à¤§ातु"...

The basic of Shadadarshana in Ayurveda

              Shadadarshana is an Sanskrit term from two small words i.e. Shada (six) and Darshana (vision), So Shadadarshana means as the six vision or insight present during the vedic period. Darshana In vedic period the saints and rishis all used to study the different part of life; from non living to living, from Vastushastra to Jyotishshastra and from Kamasutra to Ayurveda etc. This way of study and looking towards every aspect of life comes, because of the vision in the way of study. Darshana shastras (scriptures) gives an insight towards the desire or urge of humans to know about them and their surroundings. So the Darshana stands for 'vision' or 'the instrument of vision' towards reality of life or also called as perception of Truth. This Darshan is not limited only upto the Veda kala (vedic time period) but also present in todays World.  Darshana bascially means the philosophy of a person in which they taught the understanding of lif...

Triguna and Ayurveda

                      Triguna is an sanskrit term made up with the combination of two sub words i.e. Tri (three) and Guna (qualities). So the word Triguna stands for the three qualities present in the human body. Triguna As there these are three qualities present in the human body, then is there any simalarity to Tridosha  (the three humors of human body)? As the human body is divided into two part i.e. Sthula shareera (physical body; which is visible from the eyes) and the Sukshma shareera (concious body; invisible from the eyes). These three doshas i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha after vitiation causes the disease also they plays a part in forming the Prakruti (nature) of an particular individual, also they are assumed with the physical form. Whereas the Trigunas are the qualties which is realted with the Sukshma shareera, and relate with the mental or concious level. They are also called as Mansika dosha/ Mans...

Panchamahabhuta and Ayurveda

              Ayurveda is well known science of ancient India from the time of Vedas. And its methodology is based on so many basic principles which are simillar in all Vedic scriptures. Among them Panchamahabhoota or Panchabhoota sidhanta (theory) is very common, which plays an very important role in understanding of Ayurveda. Panchamahabhoota or Panchabhoota Panchamahabhoota is an Sanskrit term which is made up of three words i.e. pancha (five), maha (gross/ important) and bhoota (elements). So the terms Panchamahabhoota combinely form the five important elements; why they are called as important? Because they plays a major role in formation of the Universe or Cosmos as well in formation of everything present inside and outside it. So it is called as the five basic elements of life. 1. Akasha mahabhoota 2. Vayu  mahabhoota 3. Agni  mahabhoota 4. Jala  mahabhoota 5. Pruthvi  mahabhoota Akasha  mahabhoota or Spac...

Ayurveda and Tridosha

            Tridosha is a Sanskrit term which means (tri means three and dosha means those who vitiate the body or humors). Tridosha refers to three elements whose stability maintains the health of an individual. Dosha In Ayurveda there are so many theories to understand the basics, in which Tridosha theory is very well accepted or it is the base layer in formation of Ayurvedic treatment and diagnosis. These doshas are classified on behalf of there gunas/ qualities. Means each guna has a specific quality whcich differentiate it from others, also like Vata is invisible in nature which is only assumed with the help of qualities. 1. Vata dosha:  This is the main among all the three doshas and it can be understood by assuming it as Air like matter. It has qualities like ruksha/ dry, khara/ rough, sheeta/ cold, laghu/light, sukshma/ minute and chala/ mobile. These qualities got hampered in the body as per any sign and symptoms of any disease will ...

Why Ayurveda is not popular

                                Ayurveda is popular now a days but it comes into limelight just in past few years like a fashion. When people get to know about Yoga and attain so many benefits from that, then they reconsidered Ayurveda. To know about the whole story you sholud know about the history of Ayurveda. Ayurveda history As it is mentioned so many times that Ayurveda comes from the Atharvaveda, which is the fourth Veda which are considered aa the oldest text known to humans. As Indian tradition is so old and vast from  Vastushastra  (the art of Architecture) to  Kamasutra  (the art of love making, means they know about everything. Indians knowledge is so gigantic in all the fields of human brain expansion. They knows about everything, but as per their own theory of Kala (time) the things get changed as per the passage of time. Yuga theory There are four Yu...

Best country for Ayurveda

                             Ayurveda is formed from two Sanskrit word i.e. Ayu; which means age or life and other is Veda; which means the knowledge or science.  Ayurveda history There are four Vedas which are known to mankind as the oldest book or scriptures founded over the planet. And the word 'Ayurveda' is very much simillar to the same word Veda, are they related to each other? Yes they are related, eventually there are four Vedas; Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda. The oldest among these four is Rigveda and the youngest is Atharvaveda, in which Ayurveda is the Upveda of Atharvaveda (Upveda is the sub part), hence Ayurveda is the branch of Veda which especially deals with the treatement part.  Ayurveda word meaning As it is explained earlier that Ayu means age and veda means knowledge, so Ayurveda stands for the Knowledge of age or we can say it as Science ...

Pachakarma : The soul of Ayurveda

                                 Ayurveda is very admired alternative medicine, which is accepted by the whole World very nimbly after Yoga. As both Yoga and Ayurveda are science from India which are more than 3000 years old. In Ayurveda the most used thing is Panchakarma, which is the the main treatment protocol in Ayurveda to cure diseases.  Panchakrama as the word originated from the sanskrit which means five procedure and plays the vital role in the Ayurvedic treatment. Beacuse the basic theory for treatment is mainly divided into two i.e.  Shamana & Shodhana. In Shamana that is sanskrit term defined as process of treatment which includes pacification of vitiated doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) at there own place without expelling them out of the body. Whereas Shodhana means the process which not only pacifies the vitiated doshas but also expells them out from the body, which becomes mo...

Panchakarma and Panchashodhana in Ayurveda

                            Panchakrma is very popular word in todays world especially in people who are fond of Ayurveda. Along with that Panchashodhana is simillar sounded word which is moreover confused and intermixed with the base word. In both the term word Pancha is common which means five as per the Sanskrit, so remaining two words karma and shodhana are different. The term Shodhana means which eliminates the morbid dosha (those who manifest the disease) from the body; whereas the term Karma is any procedure to performed to the body with helps of medicine or it can also be assumed as the physical work which not only evacuate the morbid dosha but also imparts many of the good effects to the body.  So the basic difference in these two is that Panchakarma has a very wide range of action whereas the Panchashodhana will work on small scale. If we count up the procedure included among them, then we found th...

Dhanwantari : The educator of Susruta (Father of Surgery)

               The Dhanwantari is famous physician of the Gods in heaven. His incarnation in the world has been in the  form of king of Kasi (place in Indian also named as Benaras) namely Kasiraja Divodasa Dhanwantari. In Susruta samhita (the book for surgery in Ayurveda) Divodasa Dhanwantari is the narrator of the Susruta (father of surgery) along with other students. There it is mentioned as that "I am the first God which relieves from aging, diseases and death. I am the one who is guiding about the surgery and realted things". Again in so many chapters in Susruta samhita it is mentioned that " As stated by revered Dhanwantari".  Whereas some of the historian opines that the Dhanwantari is the title accorded as the word means 'A perfect surgeon'. In some of the context the word "Dhanu" means the surgery and the person who has reached the zenith of the knowledge of surgery is known as Dhanwanatri.  Divodasa is belived to the founde...