Triguna and Ayurveda

            Triguna is an sanskrit term which means (Tri means three and Guna means the qualities) three qualities which are present in the human body. They are moreover related with the Sukshma shareera (minute body or mental body), whereas the Sthula shareera (physical) body is reated to the Tridosha.


The concept of Guna dates back to Atharva Veda, it was discussed in Bhagawad Gita and later included in Sankhya Darsana. The concept of Triguna has been utilized to explain the concept of personality in modern era as well. In Ayurveda the body is formed from the Dhatu (the multiple systems of the body), Tridosha (three humors which participate in the formation of physical characters of the body) and Triguna (three qualities which basically necessary for the mental makeup of the person). Hence the Triguna are the entitity which are responsible for the psycological nature of the body or it can be said as it plays an important role in the manifestation of personality in humans. All human beings are combinations of the these Gunas and therefore these three features together promote different kinds of personalities based on the dominance of one or the other Gunas. Each personality can be deduced based on his/her mode of worship, the dietery habbits, lifestyle and other activities of everyday life. These three Gunas causes the pcycological behaviour of the person and there disbalance further causes the diseases. Also it can be balanced with the helps of medications and other activities like Yoga, Pranayam and Mantra sadhana etc.

Triguna or Mansaika Dosha

As they are mentioned as the Tri guna / Tri qualities but at the same time it is correlated with the Manasika dosha. Why they called as Manasika dosha? Because it is widely accepted theory in Ayurveda that Dosha/ humors are that whose disbalance in the body becomes the cause of the diseases. So the mental disorder is due to the disturbance of these three Satva, Rajas and Tamas. 

Hence these Satwa, Rajas and Tamas are the Triguna beacuse they induces the mental qualities to the human body and called as Manasika dosha when they plays a part in manifestation of the disease. Many of the text also quoted only two Manasika dosha i.e. Rajas and Tamas, which will you come to know after the explanation of each dosha.


It  is mainly the “spiritual quality”. When Satva is dominant, a person has natural desire to be good and caring. In such individuals, the mind and senses are at a constant, and an understanding to differentiate between desirable and undesirable, and undutiful and dutiful action prevails.

The satva dominant people consider work as their duty and they perform their work with calm understanding without any doubts. During its dominancy a person pays homage to divine and spiritual values, strength and respect for Gurus (teachers), nonviolence, meditation, kindliness, silence, self-control, and purity of character are common traits of Satvik action. 


It is nothing but the “active quality” it drives people for more passion and desire in them, which may subsequently lead to greed, activity, taking up work, and restlessness. People with Rajas-dominant personality are full of attachment and desire to get rewarded for their actions. Due to the dominance of self-interest in these individuals, they have a distorted picture of what’s right and what’s wrong. These individuals refrain from detachment and abandonment. Enthusiasm, interest, and activity are some of the attributes of this guna.


This is essentially the “material quality” which arises from hopes and illusions, and it makes people prone to qualities such as ambiguity, idleness, fantasy, and persistence. Some common characteristics of Tamas-dominant people include cautiousness, apprehensiveness, and tendency to seek revenge. It also suggests disillusionment and cynicism and moreover it shows the tendency to rest and sleep.

These people's happiness is short-lived and usually originates and ends in self-delusion. They always prefers the rest stage in all purposes of life.

These Triguna are present in every human body and there equlibrium makes the human healthy and to get rid of from all pain and to get liberation one must increase his Satva guna inside himself.


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